Autori: D.Bertolotti, F.Strinati, G.Nappi, G.Melillo, E.Savini
Titolo: Ultrasonic nebulization of sulphurous water decreases inflammatory cells in sputum of asthmatics
Descrizione: The aim of this study was to determine whether ultrasonic nebulization of sulphurous water (UNSW) modifies the inflammatory cells in the induced-sputum of asthmatics. Nineteen patients with stable asthema underwent an ultrasonic inhalation in an 80 m3 room in which the mineral water (Arvè – Tabiano SPA ) was nebulized by 3 ultrasonic nebulizers. The cycle of treatment included 2 session of 10 min. a day (with 30 min. of interval ) for 12 consecutive days. Sputum was induced before the inhalation session (TO), after the last session of the cycle (T1) and 3 weeks after the end ot the treatment. Results: a significant decrease of eosinophils (p minore 0.05, of lymphocytes (p minore0.05) ad an increase of macrophages (p minore0.05) was observent at T2
Istituto promotore: C. St. Ric. Med. Term. Università di Milano – Cli. Lavoro e Riab. Fond. S. Maugeri – Terme di Tabiano
Sezione: respiratorie
Rivista: XVI World Congress of ASTHMA, 1999